Sunday, July 23, 2006


Awalnya keluar dari ucapan Aufa, yang iseng-iseng bilang kalau di kelasnya ada tanaman hias bernama Aglaonema. Dia nanya, "Bunda, tahu tanaman Aglaonema ngga? Di kelas Aufa yang sekarang kan ada aglaonema." Duhh..duh...penasaran..., rasanya dulu pernah baca2 di trubus tentang tanaman ini, hasilnya cari-cari di inet.

Rupanya tanaman ini sering liat, dan dulu tiap kali ditawarin sama tukang kembang di rumah ngga pernah mau tertarik sama "sri rejeki" ini (mungkin udah kepincut sama adenium dan eufhorbia duluan) jadi kl bukan 2 tanaman itu males beli bunga yang lain.

Ternyata lumayan juga ya, harga yang ditawarkan tiap nursery berbeda2 ada yang menjual dengan harga 18.000/helai daun, atau 125.000 - 175.000 per pohon. Tergantung jenisnya juga. Sepertinya yang sedang jadi idola penggemar aglaonema sekarang adalah jenis "Pride of Sumatera", yang merupak hasil karya seorang bapak di Bogor. Emang, Cantik banget sihh....

Pas liat-liat di toekang keboen banyak banget koleksinya. ini aglaonema yang ada di sini:

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Aglaonema is a genus of about 20 species of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to the tropical swamps and rainforests of southeastern Asia from Bangladesh east to the Philippines and north to southern China. No common name is widely used, though they are sometimes called "Chinese evergreen".

They are herbaceous perennial plants growing to 20-150 cm in height. The leaves are alternate on the stems, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, dark to medium green, 10-45 cm long and 4-16 cm broad, depending on the species. The flowers are relatively inconspicuous, white or greenish-white spathes that can give way to red berries.


* Aglaonema brevispathum
* Aglaonema commutatum
* Aglaonema costatum
* Aglaonema crispum
* Aglaonema hookerianum
* Aglaonema modestum
* Aglaonema nebulosum
* Aglaonema nitidum
* Aglaonema pictum
* Aglaonema rotundum
* Aglaonema siamense
* Aglaonema simplex

Cultivation and uses

They are popular houseplants and ornamental plants for offices and shopping malls because they are among the easiest houseplants to grow. Numerous cultivars have been selected, including plants with variegated leaves. They tolerate a wide range of light, as well as neglect, and are relatively resistant to pests.

Chinese evergreens are very tolerant plants that do well in a variety of settings. Several species are available, some with dark green leaves and others that are variegated. Aglaonema flourish for years.

They prefer indirect light and partial shade. They do best in shadow-less light, such as a north window. They prefer heavy soil, which should be kept moist but not soggy. They do not tolerate the cold; they should not be exposed to temperatures below 10°C, with optimal growing conditions between 20°C and 30°C. High air humidity is also important. They are easy to propagate from cuttings, which will root in a glass of water, or from divisions.

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Alismatales
Family: Araceae
Genus: Aglaonema

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